
I am bruce the scalloped hammerhead shark. Earlier I was swimming at a school of my kind. I am an independent one, for my kind there are schools and independents. I’m a little sleepy since I’m more active at night, but I don’t sleep because in order to breathe I have to constantly be swimming. Yesterday I was eating some horse mackerel and then I noticed a blacktip reef shark swimming by. It looked tasty so I ate it. My cousin. That’s right. Not the smartest thing but it was delicious. I technically didn’t see it. I sensed it with the nerves in my hammerhead that sense electrons. I used my head like a bull horn and pinned it to the round and ate it. Then I saw my worst nightmare, the orca whale or killer whale. He was off in the distance and then charged. I almost died! Then he did. He was pulled down by a sinking ship and never came back up for air. I swam back to my school and didn’t worry about anything.

1/30 Blog



On a steam locomotive, there was a lot more than just steam and whistles. There were many different models and some had different power and purposes. However all of the locomotives ran on steam, and where did the steam come from? Coal. There were two engineers in the front. One would do the controls like speed and brakes, then one who would constantly feed coal to the fire and hot water. The big cylinder on the front keeps the heat and pressure so it can power the magnetic force pulling and pushing the pistons. Then the small tubes located by the wheels were called the cylinders, they were used to release extra steam to prevent the train from overheating if the funnel wasn’t enough. The whistle had a tube that went up, different trains had different shapes for a different sound. And some of the faster trains were mostly the transport, like the LNR A4. However the LNR A4 wasn’t like any other locomotive, it had a weird rectangular shape on the front, but it could go up to 100 mph. Then the trains for shipping were like trucks back then. Even though most of the amazing locomotives back then were replaced with the normal trains you see today, there are still some that are still in use for transport or shipping. 




This week we’re working on biomes. My biome is the tundra, I’m doing puffins and britton is doing arctic foxes. Puffins are pescavores meaning they eat only fish. Did you know puffin bills change color during the year? Puffins spend most of their lives out at sea. They aren’t dangerous to any land creature but they are to fish like sardines and anchovies. They swallow them up to feed themselves and barf it out for their babies like penguins. A puffins bill can hold up to 10 fish.  


How big is a puffin wingspan?


Do puffins eat anything other than anchovies or sardines?


How long can a puffin hold its breath?


Last week in science, we learned about mushrooms. S0me mushrooms are invasive some aren’t. usually the poisonous mushrooms are invasive because when some are poisonous to everything they can’t be eaten. Therefor their population grows until they over populate. Some mushrooms are edible like lions mane or the rare morel. Mushrooms all have spores. Spores are their gills that help them breathe. Some spores have stains that can be used to make spore prints. My questions are: Why do mushrooms grow in groups? Why are some poisonous? Are any edible mushrooms invasive?


Last week we learned about plants. I learned how they need space when they grow. They need space because they will compete and die if they don’t have distance. I learned that plants also have memory. they only drink they don’t eat, except for pitcher plants and venus fly traps. They have hairs that allow them to feel. there was a seed and a start group. I was a start, so I planted started plants in the hoop house.

My questions are:

  1. Why do plants have memory?
  2. How do plants drink?
  3. Do plants have heart beats?


This week in science we learned about amphibians and their habitat. We learned how their homes were being destroyed due to us humans. Humans just can’t seem to find any free spots and kill amphibians for money. We learned that amphibians are important because they are some of the only animals that eat mosquitoes. They are very helpful but people don’t care because they only think about money. What selfish creatures. Hopefully people will relax and care about the amphibians. Did you know that the croak of a frog is a call for help? Amphibians also get eaten by monkeys and birds due to the need to migrate. Amphibians are very important and they all have their rights to live. Amphibians are amazing creatures. Will they go extinct? Can people help? Is everyone selfish?

elf owl project

Dear, Mrs Cuttatree,

I am Dr. Feathereye, the elf owl. I know you want to cut trees for a new resort, but take a moment to think about the wildlife and owls. Owls get rid of lots of mice that might destroy some things. I’m an elf owl though I eat only really small mice, frogs, and insects. I eat mosquitos too which are annoying to you humans. Now, I’m a beautiful creature and I have patterns on my feathers which is nice. I may be small but I have my purposes. Now for a few facts about me: Elf owls are 40 grams 14.5 centimeters tall and my wingspan is 27 centimeters. Elf owls can be found in Texas, Central America, and California. I live in Mexico. elf owls have very good seeing and hearing. We also have good night vision and live inside trees or cacti. Our habitat is the desert so we get water from plants if we aren’t around any water. We are also very intelligent creatures even though we’re little. Now if you care about what owls do then a new idea for your job is you could instead make a hiking trail and put signs around telling facts about different owls. 

Sincerely, Doctor Feathereye 

P.S. don’t continue to be a monster.